Friday, 24 December 2010

Final blog of 2010 Merry Christmas all!!

Hey everyone. Can't believe it's Christmas eve already - 2nd half of this year has gone SO fast. Just wanna say a big thank you to everyone I have worked with the last few months - it's been so much fun and I've been thankful for all the support I've received.

I have some BIG plans for next year. I am in the middle of finalising a lot of it but I will announce all in January. Other projects include some lad's mags shoots, castings, lots of promotional work, traveling up and down the UK and much more. Keep checking my Hour Glass Facebook fan page to be the first to hear.

I will also be launching a mini range of Hour Glass clothing mainly just tops to start off so look out for that too!

Here's some of my latest work:

Thanks for reading, hope you have a great Christmas and happy new year!


Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Casting, France, image update

Hi all,

E-flyer casting has gone pretty well. It's particularly nice to have ALL types of girls apply. £20 isn't really committing too much and gives girls a chance to try out a photoshoot - plus getting 2 fully retouched images out of it - bargain! At present, there are about 2 slots left due to lack of time and other work commitments.

Recently been in contact with a well known top glamour photographer! We are in talks of me going out to France next year to gain some location/beach glamour experience. It's something I'm DEFINITELY going to do and I'm hoping it's gonna lead to more trips shooting abroad if all goes well. Got a few months in 2011 to gain some location shooting experience - so if any one wants to shoot at Barry Island get in contact!! Jokez. Anyway, check out his blog here - his work is AMAZING:

Started as a very busy week and got loads more shoots up until Saturday. These include:
Laid shoot
KT Wild Vertical Fitness group shoot

Decided to hit Town/night clubs with some double sided flyers and so got one designed. I'm not too sure I have enough time to be hanging around Town most days chatting to people and handing out flyers so gonna be selecting some promotional models and paying them to do it. They will also receive some lovely commission if they do well!

                                                   Thanks to Scott Taylor for the design:

Think that's about it for now. Here's some of my favourite pictures from this week. Enjoy!

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Shooting for magazine

Very excited. I contacted Jack Knowles - owner of online lad's mag and I am now doing a shoot for the mag. I've decided it's gonna be a feature on dating and will include a lovely display of sexy images with an interview about dating. The model will answer the questions.

Had LOADS of interest and applications for the shoot as I put a casting call on Facebook and Model Mayhem. The girl chosen is stunning glamour girl Amanda Lee. Beautiful face and amazing figure so she's gonna be just perfect. The shoot will be taking place next week so be sure to check back to see the pictures.

I am also shooting for Candi Coutoure Clothing range - again I have put out a casting call for this. I need 5 girls to model the clothes - I've got 3 suitable so far.

New pictures will be posted soon :)


Monday, 6 December 2010

Recent pictures

Can't always put my pictures on Facebook as they're not appropriate. Check out some of my latest work:

Thursday, 2 December 2010


London shoot is cancelled because of the snow - annoying! On a plus had a fair few bookings before Christmas so that's cool. Done a few glamour shoots, pin-up and also got a jewellery shoot Sunday - exciting!

Also, my website is finally live!! Have a look

Check out some of my latest work also:

Thursday, 25 November 2010


I really feel like I'm starting to understand lighting a little bit more. It's really important because I don't have to rely on photoshop so much and the images have more of a natural feel to them then. I'm noticing how my photos are looking completely different to when I started - hopefully a sign of improvement.

Had 3 shoots today including a lovely bridal one. The dress was BEAUTIFUL. Also another shoot with a mixture of lingerie/clothing etc the girl was stunning with a natural curvy figure and I'm more than sure she could make it as a glamour model if she wanted.

More news:

Been asked to do a feature in a local magazine which is exciting - just need to cast a female model over 5ft10!

Anyway check back soon to find out more!


Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Monday, 22 November 2010

Alt girl shoot

So did the shoot with Sammi and wow she was awesome! Such a natural and needed no direction - full of poses and different facial expressions. Made a night change shooting someone different as Sammi is full of tattoos! Gonna take me a lot longer to retouch the images because of her tats but she's more than worth it.

We did some shots including MASSIVE high heeled boots, an eye patch and a rabbit's head! It was freaky but definitely so much fun and I'm already looking forward to my next shoot with her. She has a very photogenic face and a lovely curvy body.

Here's one of the images - more to follow.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Blogging away

I've decided to get a blog going on. I've always thought it was a bit sad and pretentious when people ''blog'' but it's a good way for people to keep up to date with what I'm doing and hopefully get me a bit of exposure.

Not done this before - it feels like an online diary - bit odd but I'll roll with it.

Been editing a load of pictures today - mainly for girls who have had shoots done just for nice pics - not necessarily models. It's sometimes more fun doing these kinda shoots as the girls seem happier and bit more surprised when they seem themselves nicely airbrushed and made to look their best :)

Bought some new lighting kit as well - only used it on myself so far (sad I know). Making a great difference. Got a load of shoots booked in so can't wait to use it. Also, shooting with up and coming model Sammi ''Nancy Harry'' Martin. See below

(*Please note* - this is not my image)

Check out her page here:

I love her look and creativity - we have some brilliant ideas in mind which I haven't tried before so I'm really looking forward to working with her. I shall be uploading some images after our shoot so check back to see.
