Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Casting, France, image update

Hi all,

E-flyer casting has gone pretty well. It's particularly nice to have ALL types of girls apply. £20 isn't really committing too much and gives girls a chance to try out a photoshoot - plus getting 2 fully retouched images out of it - bargain! At present, there are about 2 slots left due to lack of time and other work commitments.

Recently been in contact with a well known top glamour photographer! We are in talks of me going out to France next year to gain some location/beach glamour experience. It's something I'm DEFINITELY going to do and I'm hoping it's gonna lead to more trips shooting abroad if all goes well. Got a few months in 2011 to gain some location shooting experience - so if any one wants to shoot at Barry Island get in contact!! Jokez. Anyway, check out his blog here - his work is AMAZING:


Started as a very busy week and got loads more shoots up until Saturday. These include:
Laid shoot
KT Wild Vertical Fitness group shoot

Decided to hit Town/night clubs with some double sided flyers and so got one designed. I'm not too sure I have enough time to be hanging around Town most days chatting to people and handing out flyers so gonna be selecting some promotional models and paying them to do it. They will also receive some lovely commission if they do well!

                                                   Thanks to Scott Taylor for the design:

Think that's about it for now. Here's some of my favourite pictures from this week. Enjoy!

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